R-Farm Products

R-Farm is open every Saturday from 9am to Noon.  If we have to close for some reason I will post the information here.  If you have any questions regarding our hours please give us a call!

R-Farm will be Open Saturday, May 9th 
9am to Noon for Pre-Order Pick-up 

Beef Products:
Summer Sausage..............$8.50/lb
Homemade Wieners..........$8.50/lb
T-Bone Steak......................$10.00/lb
Cube Steak..........................$5.00/lb
Beef Tongue.......................$3.00/lb

Poultry Products

Whole Chickens...................$3.50/lb
Cut-up Chicken....................$3.75/lb

Farm Fresh Eggs..................$3.50/Dz